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Students face charges after fight at Philadelphia high school

Many teenagers are arrested each year for various crimes. The crimes range from curfew violations to more serious crimes such as murder. These crimes can have long-term consequences beyond simply the criminal consequences. Even seemingly less serious crimes such as crimes underage drinking can impact a teenager’s ability to find a job or in the college admissions process. When these crimes occur at school, the teenager may face consequences with the school, such as suspension, in addition to criminal charges.

Five students from a Philadelphia high school are facing charges stemming from an alleged fight at the school. According to a school spokesman, the fight allegedly began with an attempted robbery. No weapons were involved but the students allegedly began to fight following the attempted robbery. Security guards at the school broke up the fight. The students allegedly involved in the fight also face suspension from the school.

Juveniles who are accused of crimes may face an altered legal process from that of adults. Even though juveniles are charged with the same crimes as adults, such as assault, drug offenses or weapons charges, the procedure following the charges is different. Juveniles in most instances do not have the right to a jury trial and will appear before a judge. Additionally, the sentences in juvenile cases are focused on rehabilitation to help modify behavior before the juvenile grows into an adult. The records in juvenile cases are also not public. Despite the differences between adult and juvenile court, juveniles accused of a crime remain innocent until proven guilty.

Philadelphia teenagers who have been charged with a crime may face different consequences than adults who commit the same crimes. Experienced criminal defense attorneys understand these differences, and the rights of juveniles, and can be a helpful resource to guide a juvenile facing criminal charges through the legal process.

Source: CBS Philly, “Students arrested after fight at Overbrook High School” Mark Abrams, Oct. 22, 2013.


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