A DUI charge is a serious offense, and it is important for those facing such charges to prepare a strong DUI defense. A conviction for driving while intoxicated can bring about serious repercussions, including license suspension, license revocation and fines.
Philadelphia readers may be interested in a story out of Upper Dublin, involving an Abington man who was arrested on drunk driving charges late last month.
Early in the morning of Sept. 30, the man was pulled over after an officer found that the car’s registration was expired. According to the officer, when he got to the driver’s side window, he was able to smell alcohol and he asked the driver how much he had been drinking. The officer, who alleges that the man had blood-shot eyes and was slurring his speech, continued to talk to the driver about where he had been that night and then asked him to take a field sobriety test.
According to the officer, he asked the driver to submit to the one-leg-stand test and the nine-step walk-and-turn test. The driver allegedly failed both tests, and the officer then administered a portable breath test, which revealed a blood-alcohol content of .126 percent.
The man was then arrested for driving under the influence and brought back to the Upper Moreland Police Department, where two Breathalyzer tests were given. These registered a 0.132 percent blood-alcohol concentration.
In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to drive with a blood-alcohol content of .08 percent or higher. Consequences for a DUI conviction for a blood-alcohol level of at least .10 and less than .16 are higher than those for convictions for levels of at least .08 to less than .10 percent.
However, breath test results are often inaccurate, especially when taken on portable machines. Those charged with a DUI should seek to understand their rights, as well as the manner in which evidence was collected and tests were administered. A proper defense is crucial to resolving a DUI case in the best possible way.
Source: upperdublin.patch.com, “Police: Abington Man Arrested for DUI in Upper Dublin,” Oct. 5, 2012