Many people in Philadelphia use their smart phones for everything. They email, shop, use various social media sites and many other things. Downloading the newest and latest apps is probably very important for these people. Well, now there is an app even for those who are pulled over for a DUI.
The app is designed to inform people of their rights when they are pulled over and potentially facing a DUI. It gives certain advice and also starts a voice recorder. The recording of what is said during the conversation with the police on the side of the road helps in these he said she said situations, according to the creator of the app. The recording could possibly be used as evidence.
The app may be useful as it does inform people of their rights when they are pulled over. There are many people in Philadelphia who are charged and convicted of a DUI each year. If a person is convicted of a DUI, the driver faces serious consequences. The person is looking at criminal penalties such as mandatory minimum jail sentences depending on certain factors such as whether the person has multiple DUI convictions, the person’s blood alcohol content level, whether there was an accident and others. There are also fines, license suspension and people may be required to have ignition interlock in their car.
There are defenses to a DUI though. The police must have a valid reason to pull a person over. If there is not a valid reason then the evidence may be thrown out and a conviction would be very tough to get. The tests must also be administered properly and if they are not the results may be suppressed as well.
The new app may be able to help people in Philadelphia know their rights when they are pulled over for DUI. As many people are charged with DUI, it may be a good idea for people to know their rights as well as the possible defenses to DUIs.
Source: Fox 6 Now, “‘Oh Crap’ app designed to help those pulled over for drunk driving,” March 30, 2014