Many people in Philadelphia enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two from time-to-time. Alcohol is present at many parties, sporting events, and concerts, in addition to numerous bars and restaurants in the city. While it is perfectly legal to consume alcohol, many of the choices people make after consuming the alcohol are illegal. One of these decisions is driving a vehicle after intoxication, which may result in a DUI.
Recently, a man who had allegedly consumed too much alcohol, sideswiped a Philadelphia police car before running into a concrete pole causing his car to catch fire. Police officers pulled the man from the car as it caught fire and he was taken to a local hospital for treatment. According to the police who responded to the accident, the man smelled like alcohol. Oddly, this was the third police car to get hit by an alleged drunken driver in a three week span.
Drunk driving is a somewhat common activity in Philadelphia. Many people decide to get a sober ride home, but many others do not. Those caught for drunken driving may be charged with a DUI and if convicted face serious consequences. These include potential jail time, fines and loss of their driver’s license for a period of time.
However, just because a person is charged with a DUI does not mean they are automatically guilty. They still must go through the legal process and there may be potential defenses available to them. These potential defenses usually begin with the stop itself. If the police did not have a valid reason to pull the car over then convictions become unlikely.
There are many DUI charges filed in Philadelphia every year. However, simply being charged with a DUI does not mean a person is guilty. There may be defenses available to the person depending on the circumstances. Experienced attorneys understand these potential defenses and may be able to help protect a person’s rights.
Source:, “Another suspected DUI driver hits a Philadelphia police cruiser; third in 3 weeks” Michael Boren, Feb. 7, 2015