As a landlord, the last thing you need is a tenant who won’t pay the rent, who routinely pays late or does not pay in full. You know that once the tenant has violated the terms of the lease, you may have the right to evict them.
Of course, evicting an individual or business in Philadelphia is more complicated than simply changing the locks. But do you really need a lawyer to help you?
The answer is yes. For your peace of mind and bottom line, having your attorney handle your evictions makes a big difference.
Following the rules
Pennsylvania law sets out specific procedures for evicting a tenant. First you must identify the reason for evicting, which is typically for failure to pay rent or chronic violation of the lease. Next, you must notify the tenant in writing. The notice must follow the law or you risk getting the eviction dismissed for improper notice.
You must also file a complaint with the court, along with the writ of possession. A mistake in filing or missed filing can delay or derail your attempt to regain possession of your property, no matter how strong your case is. You also need to be represented for all hearings and negotiation sessions. Your attorney can do these things for you so you can focus on your business.
Keeping you out of court
Finally, your attorney can advise you about the content and structure of your leases, as well as your rights and obligations as a landlord, to minimize the chances of having to deal with evictions in the future.
For these and other reasons, it is a good idea for Philadelphia landlords to retain an experienced real estate attorney.