Crimes involving drugs are harshly punished in Pennsylvania and charges should never be taken lightly by defendants. Drug charges ranging from possession to distribution can lead to stiff penalties that include months or even years of prison time, probation and steep fines.
Police in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, reported that on Dec. 28, during the course of investigating a threat with a weapon, they discovered a drug operation and subsequently arrested two individuals. A 26-year-old woman and a 19-year-old man are now facing drug and gun charges stemming from the incident.
According to police, they were called out to the couple’s home after a neighbor claimed that the man had made threats with a handgun. Upon arriving at the couple’s apartment, police say they confronted the man and followed his snowy footprints to a vacant apartment where packages of marijuana were observed through a window. Search warrants were obtained, and police later confiscated a large amount of marijuana and equipment that is known to be used for growing the plant. Several guns, including two that were allegedly stolen, were also confiscated along with a bulletproof vest. The pair were arrested and charged with multiple drug offenses along with other charges.
Being accused of drug offenses, including drug trafficking, can be devastating. A conviction for serious charges such as these can be a life-altering experience that results in a criminal record that will follow the accused for years into the future. It is important that all avenues of defense are evaluated to minimize the negative outcome of a conviction of drug charges.
Source: Tribune-Democrat, “Two face drug, threat charges,” Randy Griffith, Jan. 1, 2013