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Cash rewards for reporting drinking by underage spring breakers


Spring break is just around the corner for the college students in Philadelphia. Many students will be leaving for warm destinations by a beach with their friends. Oftentimes this is a week-long break from school, work and other responsibilities, and alcohol plays a role. Many students are not really concerned with the consequences of what happens on spring break. However, for those who commit crimes, the consequences can come back home with them. A common one is underage drinking, as many students are not 21-years-old.

The police in one popular spring break destination are attempting to cut down on underage drinking. They are offering people $250 for tips about underage drinking that lead to citations. The police are asking people to call in anytime they suspect that underage drinking may be taking place, but to gather as much information as possible before calling in the tip. Last year the police gave out rewards to 65 tipsters. The most common place for busts was at house parties.

While many college students do not think that getting busted for underage drinking is a big deal, the consequences are serious and can have long-lasting effects. It is a criminal offense and in addition to any fines, the person could have their license suspended, even for a first-time offense. The person will also have to put it on any job applications and future education applications, which is probably the worst consequence of an underage drinking conviction.

However, there are defenses to underage drinking and programs are available that may allow the student to keep the incident off their record. A person may be able to enter into a diversion program in which they may have to attend classes or complete community service, but if they complete the program requirements the citation will stay off their record.

Source: Kiii TV, “Earn cash by reporting underage drinkers during spring break,” March 5, 2014


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